Moving TO Pennsylvania When You Homeschool

 Nothing strikes fear in the heart of a homeschooler more than moving from a low regulation state to a high regulation state. Pennsylvania has a reputation for being one of those high regulation states but hopefully, I can reassure you that compliance isn’t that complicated.Compulsory attendance ageFirst, if your child hasn’t reached compulsory attendance age in […]

Revised PA Homeschool Law Ebook Now Available !

The revised and updated version of the ebook I wrote to help parents navigate the legal filing requirements of the Pennsylvania homeschool law is now available! You can get a pdf copy or purchaseĀ it at Amazon for your Kindle (or any device with the Kindle App). The Pennsylvania homeschool law was amended in October 2014 […]

Changes to the Pennsylvania Homeschool Law~Act 196 of 2014

IMPORTANT UPDATE: In spite of the favorable changes to the law that took effect almost 2 years ago, many school administrators persist in requesting portfolios, test scores or proof of evaluator qualifications. If you are new to homeschooling, I urge you to educate yourself about exactly what is required by law. This article and website […]

Equal Access Law for PA Homeschoolers

Luke With His High School Coach After Clinching a Spot at States This week, my son, Luke, a freshman enrolled at Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School*, battled another homeschooled student to clinch a spot in the PIAA State Singles Tennis Championship. He placed 3rd in the WPIAL for class AA. Parents choose to homeschool their children […]

basic graduation requirements under PA homeschool law

Basic Graduation Requirements Under Pennsylvania Homeschool Law

Text of the Pennsylvania Homeschool LawIf you’re wondering what the basic graduation requirements are under Pennsylvania homeschool law, they can be found directly in the text of the statute and are pretty straightforward.”The following minimum courses in grades 9 through 12 are established as a minimum requirement for graduation in a home education program: (1) Four […]