PA homeschool law evaluator

How to Choose an Evaluator

Now that superintendents no longer review portfolios in Pennsylvania, it might be more important than ever to find a supportive evaluator who applies the appropriate standard of review.

Standardized testing requirements PA homeschool law

Testing Requirements Under PA Homeschool Law

If your child is in grade 3, 5 or 8, the portfolio must include the results of a standardized achievement testĀ for reading/language arts and math. The list of approved tests (as of the date of publication of this article-please check the PDE website for updates) can be found on the Pennsylvania Department of Education website […]

Who’s Qualified to Homeschool in Pennsylvania?

In 1988, the Pennsylvania Legislature passed a law making it legal for parents to homeschool their children in the Commonwealth. Prior to this legislation, Pennsylvania was one of the most aggressive states in prosecuting parents for truancy. Act 169 of 1988, which is the Pennsylvania Homeschool Law, is an extension of the compulsory education provision […]